Monday, November 22, 2010

Leadership in Balance: Managing the "Measure Up Monster"

The “Measure Up Monster” is a term used by Dr. Debra Ren-Etta Sulliven, Childcare Exchange’s director of Community development. The term is used to describe moments of undermined confidence and undermined humility.

Good leadership requires you to manage the “Measure Up Monster” by balancing confidence and humility. Good leaders must have confidence to do what they do well, but they must also have the humility to know they can always do better.

An important point to remember is that you must manage the “Measure Up Monster,” not master it or give into it.

Here are some strategies for “Measure Up Monster” management:
  • Accept the fact that you cannot be perfect all the time, but you can always strive to do better.
  • Don’t be afraid of high expectations – yours or theirs. Expectations should be high enough to encourage motivation and perseverance, but not so high that success is perceived as unachievable.
  • Regularly engage in self reflection.
  • Assess every situation.
  • Refresh! Renew! Research! Refocus!
  • Stay resilient and flexible.

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