Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Making Social Media Work for You: Blogs

The topic of social media is intimidating to a lot of people. Many of us are just getting used to text messaging, and now we have to deal with tweets, posts and "friend" requests! The truth is that it's easier than you think if you understand your options and how to use them. Let's work together to draft your social media strategy and build your tool set.

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube get most of the headlines, but the most important tool to start with is a blog. A blog serves as the foundation for your web-based communication. In many cases, blogs have replaced traditional websites as the rallying point for all of the social media tools. They are free to set up, they are easy to update, and they get great search engine (Google, Yahoo and Bing) results.

Blogs serve as a great support tool to an existing website, or they can serve as the main web presence for a school that has yet to build a traditional site. A well-thought-out blog has the ability to draw in new prospects and to strengthen the connection with existing families. The combination of text, photos and video creates an engaging platform to differentiate your school and feature your unique strengths.

Two of the most popular blogging tools are WordPress and Google Blogger. I recommend Google Blogger for new users because it's easy to learn and update. You can sign up at: www.blogger.com. Take the "Tour" and watch the "Video Tutorial" to get a better understanding of the tool and how to use it. Once you register, be sure to use the full name of your school when naming the blog. In many cases, you may need to add a city or street name. Abbreviations tend to confuse users so be careful as you create your name.

Now it's time to think about content. Start by answering a few basic questions: Who are we? What do we do? What area do we serve? How are we unique in serving needs?

Once you've answered those questions, you'll need to organize your information in categories. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Programs/Curriculum - After school, Summer Camps, Enrichment and Developmental.
  • Staff Profiles - Bios, photos, qualifications, certifications and parent testimonials.
  • Virtual Tour - Photos of inside and out, teachers, rooms and unique touches.
  • Announcements /Event Calendar - Delays, Holiday reminders, sign-ups.
  • Photo Gallery - Staff, parents and children.

Post new information frequently so prospects and parents have a reason to re-visit your blog. Make sure to talk about it with your staff and families so they know it's there and understand what types of information will be on it.

Don't be afraid of social media! It's free, it's easy and it can help you grow enrollment and increase retention!

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