Friday, March 4, 2011


What information is necessary when enrolling a child in a child care program?
Parents should provide identifying, contact and health information for the child; evidence of age appropriate immunizations or a signed affidavit against such immunizations; and a statement from a medical authority regarding any special health related procedures to be followed in caring for the child.

What types of visits are made at child care programs?
Child care programs can receive an Initial Licensing Study, Licensing Study, an Initial Monitoring Visit, Monitoring Visit, a Complaint Investigation, Incident Investigation or a Technical Assistance visit. A Licensing Study visit is conducted annually and all applicable rules are evaluated. Monitoring visits are typically follow-up visits to ensure that previous rule citations have been corrected. Complaint and Incident investigations are conducted to investigate allegations of rule violations. Technical Assistance visits are conducted to provide resources and assistance to child care programs.

How does the parent determine if a child care program is licensed or registered?
All licensed and registered programs that are currently operating can be found by using the Child Care Location Search feature. If a child care program is not visible on the Bright from the Start website, the program may either be exempt or unlicensed. For further information regarding a program that is not on the website, contact Bright from the Start at 404-657-5562.

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